Parent Testimonials

“We have been working with Coach Lenson for two years and what impresses me the most is his commitment to the players he trains. He supports his players both on and off the field and is willing to do whatever he can to help advance them to the next level. Coach Lenson has extensive knowledge of the game and specifically designs each session for the player(s) he is training at the time. I would recommend Lenson Punting and Kicking to any specialist in Northern New England who is looking to improve their game.”

Stephanie L.

“If you’re looking for a kicking coach in Northern New England this is your guy Coach Lenson. What impressed me the most about Coach Sam, as a parent, is his commitment to your player outside of training sessions. We first met Coach Sam July of ‘21 through a phone call as my son was heading in for his second ankle surgery from a football season injury. Due to Peyton’s recovery and football commitments we only had 2 sessions that fall with Sam throughout that season, then winter and spring, Coach kept in touch with Peyton consistently through phone calls and texts, talking game play, off season training and encouragement.We’ve had a few more sessions this spring and summer, maybe 10 sessions total & Coach Sam continues to take time to check in personally with Peyton, outside of the training sessions every week in season to talk kicking!”

Matthew H.

Player Testimonials

“Thanks to Coach Lenson, I went to my first college football camp as a much more polished kicker thanks to the slight adjustments he helped bring to my game. These adjustments and the opportunity to work with other specialists and snappers helped me earn a starting position as a freshman. Coach Lenson does all his training with a positive attitude and great energy.”

Colby Bernier,
Tennessee Tech

“I started working with Coach Lenson this past summer in hopes of learning how to properly kick a football and get better. He reached out to me and really personalized my training to make me a better player. He taught me basic fundamentals that I was lacking and truly made them a consistent part of my game. Whether it be ball contact, or my plant foot Coach Lenson knew exactly what needed to be corrected and how to fix it. He not only helped me become a better kicker for kickoffs and field goals but also taught me how to punt. Now my leg is a big weapon for our team and that is thanks to Coach Lenson. His coaching style is extremely supportive and is personalized for you, and he is very affordable. My skills and confidence on the field have grown tremendously since I started working with Coach Lenson and he is a great opportunity for anyone who wants to become a better punter, kicker, or long snapper.”

Kenny Doak,
Southeast Missouri State Redhawks 

“I started working with Coach Lenson this past summer in hopes of learning how to properly kick a football and get better. He reached out to me and really personalized my training to make me a better player. He taught me basic fundamentals that I was lacking and truly made them a consistent part of my game. Whether it be ball contact, or my plant foot Coach Lenson knew exactly what needed to be corrected and how to fix it. He not only helped me become a better kicker for kickoffs and field goals but also taught me how to punt. Now my leg is a big weapon for our team and that is thanks to Coach Lenson. His coaching style is extremely supportive and is personalized for you, and he is very affordable. My skills and confidence on the field have grown tremendously since I started working with Coach Lenson and he is a great opportunity for anyone who wants to become a better punter, kicker, or long snapper.”

Brandt Abbott,
Bonny Eagle